NaNoWriMo #4 Halfway Through!

NaNoWriMo Word Count: 22,646

Can you believe we're halfway through November already?!  I sure can't.  Especially when I look at my novel and go, "AHHHH THIS IS NOWHERE NEAR DONE YET."  But that's okay.  We still have half a month left.  I'm definitely not as far in my novel as I'd like to have been by this point.  I do at least have an idea of where my story is going to go though, so I'll take that.

Today I thought would be a more chill post since I've got some major writing left to do.  For some tips on writing from my favorite authors, check out this post I did on it from a while back.  Also, check out my other NaNoWriMo posts for some help with Preparation, Starting Your Story, and Writer's Block.

We've got more to come this month, but for now, let's keep writing! 


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