Halloween Writing Prompts #2

Spooky day is almost here!  I don't know what happened to October, or to this year for that matter, but Happy Halloween!  With Halloween being only about a week away, I figured this was a good time to do one last spooky post before all the ghouls and monsters get everybody.  Or stomachaches from eating too much candy.

I really enjoyed writing those Halloween writing prompts from a few posts back, so we're going to do some more today!  Let me know which ones you liked best!

Spooky Halloween Writing Prompts

1. The canal was dark, but there was most definitely a young girl standing eerily still in the water...

2. I've never liked camping, and now that my family's camping in the most haunted woods in America, I like it even less. 

3. The dead were all rising from their graves, and I was trapped in a mausoleum.  What a terrible day this turned out to be. 

4. What is wrong with me?  I mean, I woke up with a killer headache this morning, but why am I biting my neighbor's neck right now? 

5. "I heard it was the nanny who killed the kids in the attic.  And she still haunts the house to this day," my idiot older brother said. 

6. Why did my friends want to spend the night in the abandoned asylum?  Didn't they know about the legends?

7. Nothing good ever came from the sound of a chainsaw revving in the middle of the night. 

8. I've always been afraid of mummies.  I only took the job as a security guard for a history museum because I'd been desperate.  

9. Werewolves have made a home in your town.  They routinely murder people every full moon.  What do you do? 

10. "Did you know that they still find bones every time they renovate a room in that old hotel?"


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