Texas Time

Hey, everybody!  Sorry I've been so bad about updating and posting this month.  Everything has been pretty hectic with our move.  We officially moved to Austin, Texas a little after the first of the year, and things have been kind of nuts ever since. 

We have an apartment now - which is fantastic news.  We like it a lot so far, and the area we're in is really close to lots of shopping and restaurants, plus is a five minute walk from Lowell's new job.  So, that's amazing.  I've just been offered a job as well (just gotta pass that drug test and background check!  Good thing I'm not a drug-doing murderder!) so that's incredible, especially since I had been job hunting for at least 6 months back in Illinois.  So, I'm pretty stoked. 

We don't have any of our stuff in Texas yet though, just like a tote of clothes each and we bought some new pots and pans so we can cook.  But the rest of our stuff is Illinois still, and we're working on getting that down here.  Once we do, Texas will be our new home for real!  It's so crazy!  I never thought I'd ever live in Texas - especially not after seeing the average car insurance rate during my last job.  I thought I'd never go near Texas.  But, here I am!

And I have to admit, I'm loving it so far.  Partially because I've missed several feet of snow that have fallen back home, partially because things are moving so well here. 

On top of all that, I have Fins and Fangs all edited now!  It's just going through some beta readers' hands at the moment, and then I can touch up whatever they point out.  Then, I'll be able to get it done for Amazon!  Incredible!  I'm pretty excited about that as well.  Even if it only gets like one sale (and even if it's my mom) I'll be happy.  I've been working on this book - in some form or another - for literally ten years.  TEN YEARS!  I was in driver's ed when I started writing this book!  That was when I wrote a good chunk of it actually.  When you weren't driving, you were in a study hall.  And I was that student who always had their work done already, so I was either reading a book or writing a book.  And once I started writing this book - the hot dumpster fire of a mess it was - that was pretty much what I was doing nonstop in study hall, or whenever I finished my work early in class. 

I'm so happy that Fins and Fangs is nothing like the original Forever Nineteen now.  I think the only similarities to the original are some character names and sort of the setting?  Sort of because it's still set at the same place, but in a completely different state.  It's so much better now though.  At least, I think so.  I can't wait for more people to start reading it.

So, anyway, that's kind of what's going on right now.  Once I have things settled down a little more, I'll get back into the swing of normal blog posting again.  Thanks for sticking with me!

Write on!
