My Current Writing Projects

Hello, everybody!  Can you believe we're already halfway through October?  I can't.  I still need to get my Halloween costume figured out.  And start prepping for NaNoWriMo.  Ugh.  So much to do, so little time!

Well, with all that going on, I figured today's a good day to update you guys on what I'm working on, my progress, and what projects I'm tackling!  I've got a lot of good writing stuff going on right now.

The first project I've been working on is rewriting the first book I ever wrote.  I wrote about this hot piece of garbage before and how it's gone through multiple drafts and edits.  Well, I'm making some pretty good progress on it now that I'm starting from scratch.  It's now called Fins and Fangs, and it's mostly a love story between a mermaid and a vampire.  I really think this will be the last time I have to completely gut the story which is amazing.  Now that I finally have it mostly mapped out as far as the plot goes, I even think I'll be able to get it done rather quickly.  I only have a couple pages written so far, so I think what I'm going to do is set it up to be my NaNoWriMo novel.

If you aren't familiar, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, and it's pretty awesome.  It happens in November (which is already coming up, crazily enough) and the idea is that so many writers want to write a novel, but never feel like they have the time or support to do so.  That's where this awesome organization comes in.  NaNoWriMo puts together a community of writers who all want to be working on their novels, and support them in whatever way they can: prizes if you finish, helpful tips in emails or newsletters, helping you connect with other writers in your area.  They are awesome.  I'll link their website at the bottom of this post, so you can check it out for yourself.

I've done it a few times, and completed it twice.  It's been years though since I've finished a novel during November, so I'm eager to give it a shot again with Fins and Fangs!  You can upload your own homemade cover, track your progress, and just all around have fun with it.  My homemade cover with my potential pen-name is on the right.

When I finish that project, I'll be able to start looking into self-publishing that book on Amazon.  Pretty cool stuff!  And, I have the next three books that will follow already written - they'll just need a more basic edit to get them prepped for online sale.  So, before too long, I'll be able to get an entire series published on Amazon!  As I get that going, I'll update here and maybe even be able to do some step-by-step guides as well for those of you who might also be interested in doing it!  So, if you start seeing me talk about titles like Fins and Fangs, Eternity in Exile, Undead Grudges, or Conning a Vampire, they're all in one series that take place in the same universe.  They all follow different characters in each book, so luckily, the first book being totally destroyed and put back together again doesn't really impact the following three.  Awesome!

I also want to work on some more villanelles.  I've written about villanelles before too, so you can check those out (I'll link them at the bottom), but I want to work on making enough for a chapbook.  Not necessarily to publish anywhere, but I just like the idea of having a book's worth of these poems that I've written.  I think they're awesome and fun, so writing that many sounds like it could be a good break for when my mind gets fried from NaNoWriMo.

Those are the biggest projects I've got going on right now.  And, of course, I also have this blog!  I'm still pushing to have at least 2 posts here per week, so we're doing good there.  I've got some more Inspiration Station posts coming soon, I'm reading some books right now so reviews will follow, and I'm trying to find some more Halloween things I can write about too.  Let me know if there's ever anything in particular you want to hear about!

So there we go.  That's what I'm up to!

Write on!


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