Amy Updated

I have so much to tell you all.  First of all, sorry for not being more active with blogging and whatnot in the past year and a half.  That job I got that I was so excited about - and thought would leave me enough time to write and edit and do all the fun things I want to do - was legitimately the worst.  I won't get into details because that'll just make me angry all over again, but the point is, I'm unemployed again!

Honestly, thank god for it.  If I had stayed in that job, I would've fallen apart.  Long, stressful hours.  No time to write.  No motivation to submit queries.  Literally, nothing.  

So, hey, back to figuring out what I want to do with my life.  Besides writing, of course.  So, one thing I'll be doing for sure is being consistent with blogging.  That way, at least I'm writing in some way or another no matter what!  I'll probably be updating the look of the blog as well, giving it some fresh pop and colors. 

Other new things I'll be adding/doing: 
1. More original work!  I've got so many things I haven't shared - from short stories to poems - and I'd love to get these things out there.  
2. Grammar Police.  As I've been applying to jobs, moving to new cities, etc... I've been seeing a lot of really bad grammar and punctuation things, and honestly, I just need to vent these horrible things to someone!  
3. Updates on my writing progress as I for real get my book ready to publish on Amazon.
4. Possibly some book reviews or critiques on books I've been reading.  

I'm going to try to do at least 2 of those things every week.  I'll probably be posting these blog entries on Mondays on Thursdays.  If I decide on different days, I'll be sure to let you know. :) 

Anyway, that's a little bit of an update on me and what's going on.  So, I'll see you all tomorrow with the first of these new posts!

As always, write on!



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